Prayers to Our Lady of Montserrat

La Moreneta, as the faithful affectionately call her, is the protagonist of many prayers and petitions of faith. Her mercy brings joy and health to all those who feel they have lost their way at some point.

Below, you will find several prayers that will help you humbly ask for healing from any pain or distress you may be suffering.

Ofrenda de velas

Prayer to Our Lady of Montserrat

“Oh, Holy Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy who always listens to and consoles us; hear our pleas.

As your children, we implore your intercession before your son, Jesus.

Receive us with understanding and compassion.

How comforting to know that your heart is always open to those who turn to you!

We trust in your tender care and intercession for our loved ones,

and for all who feel sick, lonely, or wounded.


Petition Prayer to the Virgin of Montserrat

There is also a prayer to the Our Lady of Montserrat to make requests, whether for health issues, to fulfill plans, etc:

“Oh, Merciful Mother, heart of love, heart of compassion who always listens to and comforts us; heed our pleas.

As your children, we implore your mediation before your son Jesus. Receive with pity and compassion… ” (at this moment the request is made)

“… How joyful to know that your heart is always ready for those who supplicate to you!

We entrust to your merciful care and mediation our loved ones and all who feel sick, lonely, or hurt.

Help us, loving Mother, to bear our burdens in this life until we reach eternal glory and peace with God.


Prayer to Our Lady of Montserrat for Pregnant Women

This prayer to the Virgin of Montserrat was created by the Catholic Church itself, as a representative form of the image: that the Virgin knows what it is to bear life. That is why this prayer helps to better cope with the entire pregnancy process.

“Mary, mother of beautiful love, sweet girl of Nazareth; you who proclaimed the greatness of the Lord and, saying “yes,” became the mother of our Savior and our mother, heed today the supplications I make to you: A new life is growing within me, a little one who will bring joy and happiness, worries and fears, hopes and happiness to my home.

Take care of him and protect him while I carry him in my womb.

And may, at the happy moment of birth, when I hear his first sounds and see his tiny hands, I be able to thank the Creator for the wonder of this gift that He gives me.

May I, following your example and model, be able to accompany and see my child grow.

Help and inspire me so that I can find in myself a refuge where he can shelter and, at the same time, a starting point to take his own paths.

Furthermore, my Mother, pay special attention to those women who face this moment alone, without support or affection.

May they feel the love of the Father and may they discover that each child who comes into the world is a blessing.

May they know that the heroic decision to welcome and nurture the child is taken into account.

Our Lady of the Sweet Expectation, give them your love and courage.


Other Prayers to the Virgin of Montserrat

Miraculous Lady of mine, Holy Mother,

my beloved Virgin of Montserrat,

powerful mediator and the most effective advocate

of ours, You who are the sweetest Heart of love,

Mother of mercy and pure soul of God,

pour abundance of graces upon your children, with

your kindest hands fill us with blessings

and grant us the help we so greatly need.

Holy Mary of Montserrat, Brown Virgin, always

sweet, kind, tender, and miraculous, who from this

your Sacred Image distribute Heavenly treasures,

you give us joy and remedy for our sorrows

and with solicitude always hear and comfort those

who confidently approach you, I beseech you

to act and work a miracle in my life, I ask you to

help me alleviate my sufferings and intercede for

me before Merciful God, so that I may soon receive his

beneficent assistance and may get out of so much need and sorrow.

Receive me with understanding and compassion and

listen to these requests that I send to you today,

ask your blessed Son Jesus to help me with what I ask

and to bring a solution to what troubles me:

(now, with much faith, say what you want to achieve).

Show me, Lady of Montserrat, your kindness, bring to

the Heights as soon as possible these urgent petitions

and pray so that I may obtain what I ask humbly.

Beloved Little Virgin, sweet and most miraculous Lady of Montserrat,

remove from my life so much concern, so much difficulty and anguish,

make the Lord help me with his infinite generosity

to overcome all that afflicts and distresses me, which at these

times is a lot, and makes me feel so bad,

and also it is a source of distress for my loved ones.

Knowing that your Heart is always open, always willing and

full of kindness for those who come to you in their sorrows

makes me happy, restores my peace and tranquility, and makes me hope

that I will get out of this bad moment, because I hope and trust you will grant me the requested miracle. I put under your care and intercession

my family, the people I love, and who surround me.

You who always watch over the well-being of your children, You who make

easy the impossible, help us, Holy Mother, do not leave us alone,

grant us your favor to lighten our burdens in this life,

until we reach to participate in Eternal Glory

beside you and with our Savior and Lord.


Prayer to the Virgin of Montserrat for Urgent Petitions

Prayer to the Virgin of Montserrat for Urgent Requests

Oh! Our Lady of Montserrat,
Holy Mother, Heart of love,
Heart full of endless tenderness and compassion,
Virgin Mary who cradled the Savior in your bosom,
You who always listen to us and console us,
extend your merciful hand to us,
come to our aid and intercede for us
so that we may receive help in our poverty,
so that our afflictions may be remedied,
and that we may swiftly find assistance in our lives.
As your children, we implore your intercession
before your beloved Son Jesus.

Receive with understanding and compassion
the petitions that we humbly and confidently
present to you through this prayer today.

Listen with mercy to our heartfelt pleas
that arise from our tormented hearts
due to the problems and difficulties we face.
Turn your merciful eyes kindly towards your children
as we implore your powerful and effective patronage.
Hear the pleas of those who,
united with you in one heart, call upon you,
and we hope that you will come to us and help us.

Especially grant us your valuable assistance
in these urgent needs
that we now present to you with hope:

(make your petition with great hope).

What comfort to know that your Heart
is always open to those who turn to you!

We entrust our loved ones, our homes,
all who are sick,
those who cry and are alone or abandoned,
all who suffer need and hardship,
indeed, all who need you, Mother, to your tender care and intercession.

Today and every day of our lives
we commend ourselves to your unique custody,
You sweet Lady of Montserrat,
who are the hope and dawn of humanity,
for you are always ready to receive us
and give us strength and relief in adversity.
Help us in our bitterness, Holy Mother of God,
grant us your assistance to bear our burdens in this life,
until we attain to share
in the eternal glory and peace with God.

O Virgin of Virgins, sweet Mary,
defend us in battle against the enemy,
protect us at every moment of our lives,
be, along with your Son, our comfort and joy.


Our Lady of Montserrat,
Good and powerful Mother, stay with us,
do not cease to pray for those who invoke you,
for in you we trust with all hope,
in you we deposit our many anxieties,
and we are confident that we will not be disappointed. Amen.

Pray with great devotion the Hail Mary,
an Our Father, and a Glory Be.
Say the prayer and the prayers in the morning and at night
for three consecutive days.

The Virolai, hymn of the Virgin of Montserrat

This hymn dedicated to the Virgin of Montserrat has become a symbol of patriotism in Catalonia. It was created in February 1880 through a musical contest to set music to the Virolai, a prayer to the Virgin of Montserrat written by Jacint Verdaguer.

Its original lyrics are as follows:

Rosa d’abril, Morena de la serra,

de Montserrat estel:

il·lumineu la catalana terra,

guieu-nos cap al Cel.

Amb serra d’or els angelets serraren

eixos turons per fer-vos un palau.

Reina del Cel que els Serafins baixaren,

deu-nos abric dins vostre mantell blau.

Alba naixent d’estrelles coronada,

Ciutat de Déu que somnià David,

a vostres peus la lluna s’és posada,

el sol sos raigs vos dóna per vestit.

Dels catalans sempre sereu Princesa,

dels espanyols Estrella d’Orient,

sigueu pels bons pilar de fortalesa,

pels pecadors el port de salvament.

Doneu consol a qui la pàtria enyora

sens veure mai els cims de Montserrat;

en terra i mar oïu a qui us implora,

torneu a Déu els cors que l’han deixat.

Mística Font de l’aigua de la vida,

rageu del Cel al cor de mon país;

dons i virtuts deixeu-li per florida;

feu-ne, si us plau, el vostre paradís.

Ditxosos ulls, Maria, els que us vegen!

ditxós el cor que s’obri a vostra llum!

Roser del Cel, que els serafins voltegen,

a ma oració doneu vostre perfum.

Cedre gentil, del Líbano corona,

Arbre d’encens, Palmera de Sion,

el fruit sagrat que vostre amor ens dóna

és Jesucrist, el Redemptor del món.

Amb vostre nom comença nostra història

i és Montserrat el nostre Sinaí:

sien per tots l’escala de la glòria

eixos penyals coberts de romaní.

Rosa d’abril, Morena de la serra,

de Montserrat estel:

il·lumineu la catalana terra,

guieu-nos cap al Cel.

The Virolai in english

April’s rose, Moor of the mountain,

star of Montserrat:

illuminate the Catalan land,

guide us towards Heaven.

With golden saws the angels sawed

these hills to make you a palace.

Queen of Heaven whom the Seraphim descended for,

give us shelter under your blue mantle.

Crowned with the rising dawn of stars,

City of God dreamed by David,

at your feet the moon is placed,

the sun clothes you with its rays.

To Catalans, you will always be a Princess,

to Spaniards, the Eastern Star,

be for the righteous a pillar of strength,

for sinners, the port of salvation.

Console those who long for their homeland

without ever seeing the peaks of Montserrat;

on land and sea, hear those who implore you,

return to God the hearts that have left Him.

Mystical Fountain of the water of life,

shine from Heaven into the heart of my country;

leave it adorned with gifts and virtues;

make it, if you please, your paradise.

Blessed are the eyes, Mary, that see you!

blessed the heart that opens to your light!

Rose of Heaven, around whom the seraphim fly,

to my prayer give your perfume.

Gentle cedar, crowned with the Lebanon,

Tree of incense, Palm of Zion,

the sacred fruit that your love gives us

is Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world.

With your name begins our history

and it is Montserrat our Sinai:

may those crags covered in rosemary

be, for all, the ladder to glory.

April’s rose, Moor of the mountain,

star of Montserrat:

illuminate the Catalan land,

guide us towards Heaven.